English 日本語
Trust and technology. We will help you to eliminate back pain and stiff shoulders from the cause.
Harikyu Shinkaron Terukina Acupuncture Clinic
+81-98-963-9589 (Appointment Only)
9:00 - 18:00 (Except for Sunday)

What causes Shoulder Pain

The order of the most likely causes is as follows for shoulder pain in this clinic.

If you have similar symptoms, the disease may be the cause.

The blogs below are categorized by disease and list some patient cases.

Please select the applicable disease name for reference.

Causes of Shoulder pain

  • Periarthritis of the shoulder
    • Symptomatology appears slowly.
      • The action of tying the hair behind and the action of tying the obi behind it causes pain.
    • Inflamed
    • It feels heavy at first, but the pain gradually worsens and it hurts even if I sleep at night.
  • Calcific tendinitis
    • Pain suddenly appears
    • Resting pain
    • X-ray diagnosis confirms calcification.
  • Rotator cuff tear
    • Used a sudden big force just before I hurt.
    • No force is reached for the same shoulder joint movement.
    • There is no contracture of the shoulder joint.
    • Pain during exercise
    • Night pain
    • MRI and ultrasonography confirmed tendon rupture.