Trust and technology. We will help you to eliminate back pain and stiff shoulders from the cause.
Harikyu Shinkaron Terukina Acupuncture Clinic
+81-98-963-9589 (Appointment Only)
9:00 - 18:00 (Except for Sunday)
About Prevention of Corona Infection
Opening the windows
Equipped with hand-washing paper towels
Performing hand disinfection
Please cooperate in infection prevention.
If you have a cold symptom such as fever or cough, we will refuse the treatment.
Thoroughly wash your hands and disinfect your fingers with alcohol.
Both the practitioner and the patient wear masks. We also ask those who have completed vaccination against the new corona to wear a mask. Some people have not been vaccinated yet, and some cannot because of side effects. People who have been vaccinated are less likely to get infected, but they may be asymptomatic and transferred to another person. Therefore, please remove the mask when all the people who wish to get vaccinated have finished vaccination and the number of infected people becomes zero.
Linen (towels) will be changed for each person.
Opening windows and ventilating the room frequently.
Disinfect doorknobs, handrails, beds, baskets, etc. with 0.05% sodium chlorite aqueous solution.