Hirakata Shinpoh | Hirakata Shinpoh is acupuncture (a western medical idea) created by the late Tatsuo Hirakata sensei. With pleasant acupuncture, I will loosen the muscles that are deep inside. And, lymphatic flow is also improved. |
Chinese medicine | I had studied at Yochui Acupuncture and Moxibustion Center, which has been in business for over 30 years in Kichijoji, Musashino City in Tokyo. This cure is used to radically treat the cause. |
Ngano Shiki | I had studied under Dr. Akira Suzuki of Nagano style (Mr. Kiiko Matsumoto style). It is mainly treated remotely using the acupoints of the limbs. |
Beauty acupuncture | I attended a seminar for Mr. Takeshi Kitagawa, who is famous as a pioneer of beauty acupuncture. |
Yamamoto New Scalp Acupuncture (YNSA) | I attended a seminar for the head acupuncture method established in 1973 by Dr. Toshikatsu Yamamoto of Miyagi prefecture. He specializes in chronic pain and cranial nerve disorders. You can rehabilitate with acupuncture on your head. |
Repetitive facilitation exercise (Kawahira methods) | A method was devised by Dr. Heimi Kawa, director of the Kirishima Rehabilitation Center, Kagoshima University. So far, I have been used for house-call rehabilitation massage for users with cerebrovascular accidents. |
Electric Acupuncture Therapy | Electricity (pulse signal) is applied directly to the acupuncture needle to give electrical stimulation to the tissue. The positive and negative poles of the electrode are determined for optimum. |
Exercise therapy | Back pain exercises, stoop guidance, pillow adjustment, muscle training, stretching, etc. I would introduce you to the physical operations I have learned from karate and aikido. |
Dietary guidance | Pointing out missing nutrients, vitamins, minerals, etc. |
Pottery moxibustion | A warm moxibustion therapy devised by Dr. Suzuki of the Nagano style, in which charcoal is placed in a pottery-shaped cylinder to warm it. Unlike moxa, it can be heated in a large area for a long time. |
Awake brain resuscitation method | I had studied at the Makita Harikyu Treatment Room at Makita General Hospital, which is famous for the treatment of stroke. |
Physical therapy | I had taken a lecture at the Health and Medical Science Study Group sponsored by the Clinical Welfare Vocational School. |
Intractable disease acupuncture | I took a seminar to learn acupuncture for Parkinson’s disease and sequelae of cerebrovascular accidents, focusing on dystonia. |
Eating habits advisor | Obtained 3rd grade |